· NASM-CPT: National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer
" The NASM Certified Personal Trainer (NASM CPT) certification is the most sought after in the personal trainer industry, as its systems and methodologies represent the “gold standard” in fitness. NASM’s exclusive OPT™ model represents the industry’s first comprehensive training program based on current scientific research that provides undisputed results! " - NASM (www.nasm.org)
· P90X Certified Trainer
As a P90X Certified Trainer, I am part of an elite group of trainers who are able to help my one-on-one clients, as well as my group fitness members, harnesses the power of America's hottest extreme fitness program and achieve mind-blowing fitness results from the P90X program.
· INSANITY Certified Instructor
As your Certified INSANITY Instructor, I will lead you through INSANITY’s MAX Interval Training workouts. Workouts consist of plyometric drills on top of nonstop intervals of strength, power, resistance, and ab and core training moves. No equipment or weights needed. "The result: burn up to 1,000 calories in an hour." - Beachbody(http://www.beachbody.com/product/fitness_programs/insanity.do)
· Turbo Kick (TKB) Certification
" The fat-blasting, ab-defining cardio workout that is sweeping the nation’s health clubs and allows you to burn up to 1,000 calories an hour! A mix of kickboxing and simple dance grooves set to heart pounding dance music that will have you looking forward to your next workout! " - Turbo Kick (www.turbokick.com)
· SilverSneakers Muscular Strength & Range of Movement Certified Instructor
Classes are designed specifically for older adults. Exercises are designed to increase muscular strength, range of movement and activities for daily living. (www.silversneakers.com)
· dotFIT Certification
· CPR/AED Certification
· Health and Fitness Providers Network Member
" The NASM Certified Personal Trainer (NASM CPT) certification is the most sought after in the personal trainer industry, as its systems and methodologies represent the “gold standard” in fitness. NASM’s exclusive OPT™ model represents the industry’s first comprehensive training program based on current scientific research that provides undisputed results! " - NASM (www.nasm.org)
· P90X Certified Trainer
As a P90X Certified Trainer, I am part of an elite group of trainers who are able to help my one-on-one clients, as well as my group fitness members, harnesses the power of America's hottest extreme fitness program and achieve mind-blowing fitness results from the P90X program.
· INSANITY Certified Instructor
As your Certified INSANITY Instructor, I will lead you through INSANITY’s MAX Interval Training workouts. Workouts consist of plyometric drills on top of nonstop intervals of strength, power, resistance, and ab and core training moves. No equipment or weights needed. "The result: burn up to 1,000 calories in an hour." - Beachbody(http://www.beachbody.com/product/fitness_programs/insanity.do)
· Turbo Kick (TKB) Certification
" The fat-blasting, ab-defining cardio workout that is sweeping the nation’s health clubs and allows you to burn up to 1,000 calories an hour! A mix of kickboxing and simple dance grooves set to heart pounding dance music that will have you looking forward to your next workout! " - Turbo Kick (www.turbokick.com)
· SilverSneakers Muscular Strength & Range of Movement Certified Instructor
Classes are designed specifically for older adults. Exercises are designed to increase muscular strength, range of movement and activities for daily living. (www.silversneakers.com)
· dotFIT Certification
· CPR/AED Certification
· Health and Fitness Providers Network Member